New Orleans International Airport
Financial Consulting Services
Project Dates: 1994 to 2002
We have participated in the computation and analysis of the required rates and charges for the New Orleans International Airport for the past six years. We have also performed pro forma computations and traffic forecasting using various assumptions “what ifs” to determine the cost benefits of various projects.
We have participated in the negotiations between the airport and airlines related to the airline lease. The airline leases are comprehensive and affect virtually all sectors of airport operations. Our participation involves the analysis of various alternative proposals and the determination of their financial impacts to the airport and the respective airlines.
We have implemented versions 6.1, 6.3, and 7.0 of Ross Classic Accounting System at the New Orleans Aviation Board. The previous accounting system that was being utilized was MAPS. We have implemented all systems with the exception of Encumbrance and Inventory. We are currently in the process of implementing these systems. It is also important to note that we are Certified Ross Systems Solutions Providers.
We performed a study of parking alternatives, which concentrated on “pay-on-foot” cashiering as compared to other conventional methods for easing parking congestion. We prepared cost-benefit analyses for each alternative presented and also presented logistical evaluations supporting each alternative. The cost model was established in a manner that allows for future analysis and updates to the accumulated data.
We performed a passenger satisfaction survey that consisted of interview of over 2000 passengers. The survey was taken over a 5-day period by our survey team. We also created an electronic database for the surveys, which allowed management to cross-tabulate questions and answers. The affect was the ability to answer questions, which were not actually asked to the passengers. This approach minimized the time and inconvenience to the passengers while expanding the usefulness to management.
The New Orleans Aviation Board has upgraded and converted its accounting and financial management software. Our firm is responsible for coordination and implementation of the conversion. Our work included the development of a comprehensive accounting policy and procedure manual for the new system. We have also conducted user-training sessions for airport staff regarding the new system.
AIRWARE is a customized software application developed by our firm that automates the computation of Rates & Charges. The rates and charges computation is unique at every airport based the specifics respective of each airline‘s agreement. The actual computation is usually very laborious and costly in terms of airport staff time incurred.
AIRWARE substantially automates this process, literally reducing the rates and charges computation to the press of a button. The costs savings to airports are substantial and the enhanced reporting flexibility is significant.
We have performed compliance and operational audits of fixed base operators covering a three-year period. The audits focused on compliance with lease terms and conditions agreed upon by the airport and the respective fixed base operators.
Our firm has performed numerous audits of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grants awarded to airports. The grants frequently have related to land acquisition and noise abatement programs in effect at airports. Since the FAA grants are federal funds, our firm’s extensive experience with the federal audit requirements as well as our experience with airport programs provide for well-managed and efficient audits. Our firm also monitored the automated FAA draw down on FAA related projects. In addition, we have prepared PFC and other grant applications as needed.
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