Airware, LLC has developed its consulting group by combining the extensive experience of our Small Business Group with that of our Management Advisory Group. We believe that these disciplines provide the optimum platform to provide consulting services. We recognize that consulting services require a high degree of experience and in many cases specialized training. Therefore, we have assigned each member of our management team to this group. Each consultant is highly experienced ranging from six to sixteen years. Our industry experience includes:
- Aviation
- Sewerage & Water Board
- Storm Recovery Management Services
- Program Management
- Utility and Rate Setting
- Gaming
- Housing Development and Finance
- Pension Plans
- Retail
- Transportation
Our diverse industry experience is represented by the extensive work performed by our firm over the past fourteen years, as well as the prior experience acquired by our senior management team related to their previous employment in the private sector. We believe that results are what count in the consulting arena and our firm has established a track record for delivering positive results.
Below is a list of projects Airware has performed.
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District (LSED)
The State of Louisiana allocated funds from the Hotel & Motel taxation to be used to provide grant funding for nonprofit agencies within Orleans Parish. Over a three year period, grant funds allocated totaled approximately $15 million. The $15 million was allocated across each district in Orleans Parish represented by their respective State Senators and House Representatives. Our firm was engaged to manage this grant program, which included a broad scope of services.
Using district population data, we were responsible for properly allocating the grant funds available for disbursement by each Senator and State Representative. We were also responsible for maintaining the reconciled roll-forward funding balances of each of these officials during the program to assure that each official approved for disbursement, only the funds available to his/her district. Cash reconciliation's were verified monthly and cross referenced with our records, with no exceptions each month.
Our firm was also responsible for the following:
- Develop program guidelines and regulations to be adhered to by each grantee
- Site visits to applicant locations, reviewing the guidelines and regulations with applicant management
- Initial review of each application to assure that all required documents have been submitted
- Analyzing submitted documents and making board recommendations regarding the approval or denying of grant funds
- Reviewing quarterly budget reports submitted by grantees to monitor interim fund usage
- Monitoring administrative and fiscal performance of each grant program conducted by grantees, and reporting results to the LSED Board
- LSED grant program close-out procedures
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
National Finance Center (NFC)
The NFC is responsible for the preparation of the federal department financial statements for the USDA and submission of those financial statements to the U.S. Congress. Our firm was engaged by the USDA’s Chief Financial Officer’s Office to perform comprehensive quality assurance and technical advisory services related to the processes and procedures in effect related to the preparation of the USDA’s financial statements for the federal fiscal year ended September 30, 2000. This assignment is very noteworthy due to the importance of the task, as well as the sheer size of the task.
The USDA is the most diverse arm of the federal government. The total revenues for this agency approximate $4 billion annually. The management and staff of our firm were involved through the entire project, from inception through to the completion of the financial statements. Services included the review of procedures and processes in effect while preparing financial statements. We rendered our consulting report which included significant recommendations for improvement that have been very well received by management of the USDA.
City of New Orleans
Our firm has performed a comprehensive management study of the City of New Orleans’ Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development. This division is one of the largest departments within City government and is responsible for all HUD funded programs. Our study covered administrative organization, compliance, management information systems, etc. Our study’s recommendations were substantially implemented, including significant changes in the organization structure and reporting lines, commitment to upgraded management information systems, and administrative control enhancements regarding compliance, etc.
Aviation Board of New Orleans (FAA)
Our firm is engaged as consultants to the Aviation Board of New Orleans for the past six (6) years. Our contract covers general advisory services. Accordingly, we are intimately involved in many of the financial advisory functions of the airport, including the computation and analysis of the Airline Rates and Charges. This was a very crucial project in that it sets all of the Rates and Charges to be billed by the Aviation Board to each of the airlines utilizing the New Orleans International Airport. We provide advisory services regarding the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) at the New Orleans International Airport, as well. We have also provided a variety of technical advisory services including: a parking study, a noise abatement study, a passenger survey, bond feasibility, and information system services.
City of New Orleans (Rivergate Development Corporation)
This agency was established by the City of New Orleans for the purpose of providing financial and compliance oversight related to the construction and operations of the Harrah’s Casino in New Orleans, Louisiana on behalf of the City of New Orleans. Our firm in joint venture with Coopers & Lybrand was selected as co-consultants to the Rivergate Development Corporation. We are charged with the responsibility of providing technical advisory services relative to the role of the Agency.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
We have performed property management reviews for the FDIC. These reviews included the analysis of the financial operations of the property managers, as well as the contractual compliance with leases and agreement between the government and the property manager.
Regional Transit Authority of Greater New Orleans (RTA)
We performed a cash management analysis for the RTA that covered a six (6) month transaction period. We summarized all cash balances on-hand, including verification of bank reconciliation's. Our review also included an assessment of the internal controls in place related to the cash management function. Our report was provided to the Board of Commissioners of the RTA and was considered a very useful tool in their planning and budgeting process.
New Orleans Building Corporation (NOBC)
NOBC is responsible for the oversight and management of all public buildings owned by the City of New Orleans. We were engaged as consultants to this organization, responsible for analyzing facility management alternatives. We recently completed a review of the Union Passenger Terminal in New Orleans, which is the hub for rail and bus service within the City.
City of New Orleans (Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development)
This agency is responsible for the administration of all HUD funded programs within City of New Orleans government. Our firm has served as the financial and compliance consultants to this department for the past six (6) years. We are responsible for consulting with the department officials and staff on a wide range of issues affecting compliance with the extensive regulations promulgated by HUD.